Friday, January 17, 2020

100th Day Fun!

We had so much fun on the 100th day!

We made 100 piece trail mix
  • They had to count out 10 pieces of each of the 10 items. 
  • Thank you all so much for the donations!

We made a 100 snowflake snowglobe!

We did 100 Exercise
(10 times for 10 movements)

We worked on writing 100 words, but came up short (too busy rest of day), will continue next week.....We will Finish!

We also wrote about what we would buy with $100. Made a self portrait of what we would look like when we are 100 years old, and what we would do if we were 100! 

1 comment:

Virtual Kindergarten (03/27/2020)

Good Morning Kindergators, I am so PROUD of all of you! You have made it through our second week of digital learning. You are doing...