Friday, March 20, 2020

Virtual Kindergarten (03/20/2020)

Good Morning Kindergators and Happy Friday!!!!!

I am so proud of all of you for making it through our first week of digital learning! I have been checking readingeggs/mathseeds, RAZ kids, and Dreambox daily to see all the work you are doing, and even got some great pics from your parents of the great things you are doing! Keep up the GREAT WORK!

With that being said you all know we have fun on Fridays so here are some fun things I would like for you to do.....

Sight Words with Jack Hartmann

Sight words 1

Sight words 2

Counting to 100 with Jack Hartmann

Count by ones

Count by tens

One more thing for math.....Our very own Maxwell wrote us a story problem.....I am adding picture here I want you to show me how you figured out the answer and write the number sentence.....

Max is selling 8 watermelons. Tanner bought 2 watermelons. How many watermelons does Max have left?

Also watch my book video for day 3 and answer questions......

I apologize some of the pics of your answers did not get in the video. Will add to the next one!

One more link from Mrs. Knobbe

Also visit the Addison sight and look at all the specials links!

Oh and we have movie day on fridays so watch a movie and write me a sentence about what movie you watched, why you chose that movie, and what was your favorite part. 

I hope you all have a fabulous Friday and an even better weekend! I MISS ALL OF YOU!

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Virtual Kindergarten (03/27/2020)

Good Morning Kindergators, I am so PROUD of all of you! You have made it through our second week of digital learning. You are doing...