Monday, March 16, 2020

Virtual Kindergarten 03/16/2020

Good Morning Kindergator families. I hope this finds you all well. I know this is a trying time and we are all working really hard to make this work for everyone. Our Kindergarten team has worked hard putting together this digital learning plan and hope that this keeps your child involved in school and their education. I am attaching our plan and will also email it to everyone. Should you have any questions or concerns please contact me by email ( This will be a log post. Please read through all. 

Our digital learning plan asks only that your child….
  • Complete at least 10 minutes or a lesson on ReadingEggs or read on Raz-Kids and complete quizzes 
  • Complete at least 10 minutes or a lesson on MathSeeds or Dreambox
  • Read a story with your family
    • Write a sentence or more about your favorite part of the story in a journal or on a piece of paper. (Please be sure to capitalize, punctuate and spell sight words correctly!)
  • Work on the homework for the week. It is posted below.

ReadingEggs and MathSeeds are the same website once logged.
Your child's login is their student ID number for username and password. Most of the students already know their numbers these were sent home again on Friday, if your child cannot remember just shoot me an email and I will send it to you. 

Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Enter or choose the teacher's username, mwilkinson30
Step 3: Their username and password is their student ID number again

Their username is their student ID number but their passwords are generated from the website. The passwords have been sent home but if you do not have it you can email me for their password and I will get it to you as soon as I can.
School Code: xe2y/9d4d
Classroom Code: 57756

Homework for the week --   Long A     ate, make, say
Math Monday:

The word “ate” has many rhyming words. Add these beginning sounds and draw pictures of the new words you make. 
cr ______

This quarter we are studying positional words. Hide something in your house and use positional words such as: next to, under, by, above, or inside to guide someone in your family to find the thing you hid.  

Counting up from a Given Number!

1. Start with 28 and count up to 45.

2. Start with 72 and count up to 90.

3. Start with 14 and count up to 36.

4. Start with 50 and count up to 75.

Technology Tuesday

Write a sentence telling three things you can “make” on your own.  

Go to the site 
Login to your reading eggs account and complete one lesson of reading eggs.

Go to the site 
Brainpop Jr.
Username: addisonbp
Type in “solid shapes.” Watch the movie about solid shapes.  Write the name of this shape in your journal.
Writing Wednesday

Answer the following review questions below.
1. What holiday was created to honor people who served in the military?
2. What holiday began with cooperation between the Pilgrims and Native Americans. 

Read the story of “Abe the Skating Hare” with your family. Sort these long A words from the story based what letter combinations make the long A sound.

Read the story of “Abe the Skating Hare” with your family.  Highlight all words that make the long A sound and read them aloud to your family. 

The Story of “Abe The Skating Hare”
On foot, Abe was the fastest hare alive. The only footrace he ever lost was that famous one to the tortoise, and Abe never again rested during a race. But because Abe was so fast, the other animals soon refused to race him. Without competition, Abe became lonely and bored. So Abe decided to find a way to race that was more fair. First Abe looked at the sky and thought about racing airplanes, but Abe looked across the bay and considered racing sailboats, but remembered that he couldn’t swim, and he was afraid of the water. Abe looked down the street and thought about racing cars, but race cars were so noisy that they hurt Abe’s large ears. Finally Abe noticed a girl gliding gracefully around the bay on skates and decided to try racing on roller skates. 
At first, Abe fell down every time he tried to skate. But after lots of practice, Abe was skating all the way around the bay waving to his friends with his cotton tail bobbing up and down. 
When Abe challenged Kate, the girl he had first seen on skates, to a race, Kate said, “Great!” It was the first really close race that Abe had been in, unless you count the time he went to sleep, but Kate crossed the finish line just ahead of Abe. You might think Abe was sad to lose another race, but he really felt quite glad. For Abe discovered that he had won the most wonderful prize of all. You see, Abe and Kate became best friends, and winning a friend is more important than winning a race any day. 

Thinking Thursday

Sing the first line of the “Star Spangled Banner.” What sight word of the week do you hear? What is a “Star Spangled Banner?”

This quarter we will be studying parents and off spring or how kids can look like their parents. Talk to your parents. List three features you have that look like they are from your parents. Write down which parent you think you got that feature from. 

This quarter we are studying how to group animals. That means looking for what is the same between animals and what is different. Think about the three animals below. Which one does not fit in with the others? Write the answer in your journal and explain why. 

Ape, Hare, Blue Jay

We still want to know how the kiddos are doing. Please feel free to send pics of their activities, or accomplishments and ask us any questions you have about their learning needs. 

Please note that these tasks below are not required. 
Had we been in the classroom this week we would have been working on the following skills: long a sound, positional words, sorting and classifying and grouping animals by their observable features (birds for example). Here are some strategies you might use to help with these skills.

Long A Sound (when a says its name): We try to emphasize to children that vowels usually don’t change their sound unless there is a reason. The two reasons we focus on bully-e who can jump back over one letter to bully a vowel (ex. cape) or two vowels go walking so the first one does the talking and says its own name usually (ex. rain or say.) I have attached a sorting sheet to show you how we might have had the students work through the concept and some videos you can watch to reinforce the skill.

Long and Short Vowel Sort A
Short Vowel
Long Vowel


two vowels go walking video

Positional Words: These are words to describe and objects position (prepositions to us grown up.)
 Some examples are: on, above, below, under, next to, in, to the right of, outside of
A fun way to teach this through the hide and describe game. One person hides an object in your house and describes where the object is hidden to another. For example, “It is in something metal, on a shelf” or “It is next to something orange, above a book.” If your child excels at this, you can make the game a bit harder by telling them they have to hide it under something and to the right of something else.

Sorting and Classifying: Provide your child a group of things to sort like buttons, toys, cooking utensils and ask them to sort them into 2 or even 3 groups. The ask them to explain what the name of each group would be and describe something that would not fit into that group.

Science: As we extend our sorting and classifying skills, we pull that skill into our science unit. We will be looking for similarities and differences in animal features that might help us connect a parent and its offspring or group animals together into one name like “birds.”

Here are some videos that might help:
What do birds have in common:
Remember, we are not asking them to learn all the vocabulary from the video. We just want the children to begin thinking about what all birds have in common.

Letters and Sight Words of the Week 2019-2020

Sight Words
August 1
August 5
August 12
Short I
I, it, is
August 19
am, and, an
August 26
Short A
a,  as, do
September 3
so, see, me
September 9
to, the, my
September 16
           not, on, no
   September 23
September 30
Short O
at, in, will
October 7
he, she, we
October 14
said, saw, was
October 21
C (hard and soft)
can, came, come
October 28
 his, help, her
November 4
big, by, be
November 11
Short U
but, up, us
November 18     
ran, run, him
November 25
December 2
Short E
when, then, well
December 19
G (hard and soft)
go, give, get
December 16
did, had, has
January 6
what, were
January 13
like, let, look
January 21
put, out, now
January 27
must, into, all
February 3
your, you, yes
February 10
very, love, of
February 17
February 24
want, went, who
March 2
little, have, with
March 9
Bossy R (ar, or, ir, ur, er)
are, for, from
Long A
ate, make, say
March 23
Long E
please, eat, here
March 30
Long I
Find, fly, why
April 6
April 13
Long O
home, going, this
April 20
Long U
new, some, they
April 27
soon, good, too
May 4
down, our, how
May 11
there, where
May 18

Check the Addison Website for upcoming school events: 

Here is a link for Science Lab this week: 

I am also asking if anyone would like to have their child draw a picture/write a letter to a senior in a senior living home to please do so. I know we have a lot of artists in our class and know that these seniors would love some letters as they are being quarantined and cannot even have family visit. I have an address for a friend of the family and will add it below. If there are other places or people you know of that would love this as well please feel free to send to them and if you would like give me the address and I will post it here as well. 

Grace Cantrell

Gaines Park Sr Living
1740 Old 41 HWY NW
Kennesaw, GA 30152

Again you can also go to Addison's page to get some activities for specials. And if you need anything at all you can email me. Would love to see any pics of them as I am already missing them and would love to see what they are doing for school! 

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Virtual Kindergarten (03/27/2020)

Good Morning Kindergators, I am so PROUD of all of you! You have made it through our second week of digital learning. You are doing...