Thursday, November 21, 2019


Image result for important dates

  • 11/02: Garden Clean Up (8:00 am- 12:00 pm)
  • 11/05: NO SCHOOL Election Day
  • 11/07: Chic-fil-A Night (5:00-8:00 pm)
  • 11/12: Papa John's Pizza Night
  • 11/15: FBI Breakfast (7:00-7:45 am)
  • 11/19: Thanksgiving Lunch (11:20-11:50 am) Parents are welcome to come enjoy lunch in cafeteria with their students. If you can come please arrive a few minutes early if you want to purchase a lunch for $4. 
  • 11/25-29: Thanksgiving Break! Don't forget to participate in the reading challenge.

Image result for today is thanksgiving

This week we read Today is Thanksgiving. We discussed different traditions our families have (watching the parade and football, being with family, eating a feast, etc.). We also talked about or different senses we use during thanksgiving (smell the turkey, see our family, taste the pie, feel a football, hear the parade). Students also, did some writing on what they are thankful for. 

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In math this week we continued to work on counting (by ones, twos, fives, and tens), more and less, and introduced a little on measuring. We will really dive into different ways to measure when we get back from break. 

Image result for writing

In writing this week we worked on writing the letter R upper and lowercase. We worked on writing our sight words (big, by, be). We worked on how to write a sentence (start with an uppercase, letters make words, putting spaces between words, and punctuation). We also labeled a turkey and wrote what we are thankful for. 

Friday, November 15, 2019

Help Needed for Holiday Shoppe

The Holiday Shoppe is fast approaching and we need your help!! Please sign up for a shift( or 2)! Many hands make light work!
We give service hours for middle school and high school kids!!

5th, 6th and 7th grade shopping Elves:


Image result for important dates
  • 11/02: Garden Clean Up (8:00 am- 12:00 pm)
  • 11/05: NO SCHOOL Election Day
  • 11/07: Chic-fil-A Night (5:00-8:00 pm)
  • 11/12: Papa John's Pizza Night
  • 11/15: FBI Breakfast (7:00-7:45 am)
  • 11/19: Thanksgiving Lunch (11:20-11:50 am) Parents are welcome to come enjoy lunch in cafeteria with their students. If you can come please arrive a few minutes early if you want to purchase a lunch for $4. 
  • 11/25-29: Thanksgiving Break! Don't forget to participate in the reading challenge.
Image result for donations
I am wanting to do a compare and contrast lesson on pumpkin and apple pie. I wanted to ask if anyone would like to donate a pie. I am thinking 2 pumpkin and 2 apple should be enough to give every student a small slice. With that being said I would also like to see if anyone would like to donate plates and napkins. If you can just let me know! I would like to have them by Thursday if possible. I appreciate all of your kindness in donating this year! 

Image result for pete the cat the first thanksgiving

This week we read Pete the Cat The First Thanksgiving. The first day we did a look through and discussed the different settings we seen in the story. Some were inside, some were outside. Students had to draw a picture of a setting and write a sentence on whether it was inside or outside. We also worked on some vocabulary (Pilgrim and Mayflower). Students had to write the words, the definition we came up with, write a sentence with the word, and draw a picture. We also worked on the beginning, middle and end. Something new we did this week in reading is writing about what the main idea was (Thanksgiving), and writing the supporting details (how did the story tell us about the main idea). We worked together as a class discussing the main idea, and supporting details. Then students worked on a sheet drawing and writing about the main idea and the supporting details. And, today for a little fun we made a Pete the Cat Pilgrim!

Image result for Math more and less groups

In math this week we continued on working on comparing numbers. Which group has more? Which number is less? Are they equal? Students had to identify groups that had more or less with different objects. Ten frames, groups of animals, fingers on hands, etc. Students also worked on counting objects and writing the numbers independently. Next week we will be starting some measuring activities. 

Image result for students writing

In writing this week we learned and wrote about Veterans (Veterans Day). We first read a book called My Mom is my Hero. Then we wrote some words we learned from the story, and discussed the difference between super heroes and real life heroes. Students also worked on building a sentence about when Veterans Day is. We made a flip book about Veterans Day, and made a can/are chart about soldiers. On Friday we did a listen and draw a Veteran activity, as well as writing a thank you note to a soldier. 

Friday, November 8, 2019


Image result for Just so thankful

This week we read Just so Thankful by: Mercer Mayer. We started the lesson by talking about the title and what Thankful meant. The first day we did a look through and just looked at (read) the pictures. Students identified the setting, and the characters. Students also were able to identify the beginning, middle, and end of the story. Students also, discussed what they were thankful for (a person, a place, and a thing). 

Image result for more or less gator

In math this week we compared numbers. We started with numbers and writing one more and one less. We then moved on to comparing groups of objects and identifying if a group had more or less and explaining how they knew. And, last we worked on the alligator chomp, and students were asked to make their gator eat the number that was more, or write the equal sign. 

Image result for write a sentence

In writing this week we talked about sentences. We started with discussing how letters make words, and words put together make a sentences. We did a letter, word, sentence sort. We then watched the Jack Hartmann video on the different parts of a sentence (starts with a capital letter, a sentence has more than one word, a sentence has spaces between the words, and ends with punctuation). Students have been working on writing sentences all week, not only in writing but, also in reading. 

Image result for dates to remember
  • 11/02: Garden Clean Up (8:00 am- 12:00 pm)
  • 11/05: NO SCHOOL Election Day
  • 11/07: Chic-fil-A Night (5:00-8:00 pm)
  • 11/12: Papa John's Pizza Night
  • 11/15: FBI Breakfast (7:00-7:45 am)
  • 11/19: Thanksgiving Lunch (11:20-11:50 am) Parents are welcome to come enjoy lunch in cafeteria with their students. If you can come please arrive a few minutes early if you want to purchase a lunch for $4. 
  • 11/25-29: Thanksgiving Break! Don't forget to participate in the reading challenge.
Image result for Donations

I am wanting to do a compare and contrast lesson on pumpkin and apple pie. I wanted to ask if anyone would like to donate a pie. I am thinking 2 pumpkin and 2 apple should be enough to give every student a small slice. With that being said I would also like to see if anyone would like to donate plates and napkins. If you can just let me know! I would like to have them by Thursday if possible. I appreciate all of your kindness in donating this year! 

Virtual Kindergarten (03/27/2020)

Good Morning Kindergators, I am so PROUD of all of you! You have made it through our second week of digital learning. You are doing...